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Apr 2, 2013

Hey Blessed Peeps! Here is so more information about my April Classes. Hope to see you there! Love xoxo Frank

April 9th- The Mystical Energy of Crystals and Minerals
This is a time of great transition and change. AT times this may be excited and thrilling but also scary and anxious. Working with instruments of the Earth such as crystals can help you gain, achieve, and release things in the best manner possible. Did you know Hematite can assist you through legal situations? Would you like to “read” auras and astral project? Well Tunellite is the stone for you. Celestite can help with angelic communication, Carnelian banishes sorrow, Emerald is the “stone of successful love”. Learn methods on choosing stones, cleansing and clearing crystals, charging and programming a mineral and much more.

6:30 1-1/2 hrs.
$20 Frank’s office-1701 Portland Ave Suite 2 Nashville TN
RSVP Please to info@thespiritchrysalis.com

April 24th- The Otherside: What Happens When We Cross Over

What does happen when we pass away? Will my beloved dog King be with me? Will I see my dear grandmother? Is there a hell? Where do angels come in play in all of this? Is there really reincarnation? Frank, as a medium, deals with death and dying on a daily basis. Throughout his life he has witnessed how our loved ones communicate and validate through what some would call “The Veil”. This class is designed to give you information that he has received and experienced from the Otherside. Learn how you can communicate and connect to your loved ones. Our loved ones are always with us.

6:30 1-1/2 hrs.
$20 Frank’s office-1701 Portland Ave Suite 2 Nashville TN
RSVP Please to info@thespiritchrysalis.com

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